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Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage) - Part 2

PF uses Inumaru’s strat (essentially identical to the Idyllshire strat, except for Act 3), with the following modifications:

  • Japanese parties will do Inumaru’s strat for Act3.
  • English parties will do Xeno’s strat for Act 3.
  • Curtain Call timings are flipped from Inumaru’s video:
    • Tanks/Healers cut their tethers at 6 seconds remaining.
    • DPS cut theirs at 11 seconds remaining.


English parties will do Xeno’s strat for Act 3.

―――《Act 1》―――――《Act 2 (Idyll)》――――
         【T】Dark:NW → N or W → cw
 D3    D4   Fire:mid → N or W → ccw
  MT  ST  【H】Dark:SE → S or E → cw
    ▲      Fire:mid → S or E → cw
  D1  D2  【D】Aero:mid → N or W → cw
 H1    H2    Fire:mid → S or E →
―《Act 3 (Xeno)》――――――――――――――――
  MT    D3 【ST, H2】Bait kicks
 ST  ●   H1【MTD1D2】Earthshakers #1
 D1     H2【D3H1D4】Earthshakers #2
  D2   D4
―《Act 4》―――――――――――――――――――
①【Water】Opposite thorn + 1 clockwise
 【Dark】Own thorn + 1 clockwise
② Gather SW, go clockwise to resolve Dark AoEs
  Dark tethered to N or NE cuts first
 D3 D1  ST H2
    ※  ●    ※
 D4 D2  MT  H1
―《Curtain Call》――――――――――――――――
 Move to cut at:  DPS→11 sec T/H→6 sec
 (Starting times:13/23/33/43)
Japanese translation
 D3     D4
  MT   ST
  D1   D2
 H1     H2
―《第3幕 (ゼノおじ式)》――――――――――――――
  MT    D3 【ST, H2】キック誘導
 ST  ●   H1【MTD1D2】シェイカー1回目
 D1     H2【D3H1D4】シェイカー2回目
  D2   D4
 D3 D1  ST H2
    ※  ●    ※
 D4 D2  MT  H1
 DPS:11秒で切りに行く T/H:6秒で切りに行く


Japanese parties will do Inumaru’s strat for Act 3.

 D3     D4
  MT   ST
  D1   D2
 H1     H2
  D3   D3    アースシェイカー誘導
 H1  ●  H1 →  ST    ST
 H2     H2  D1 ● その他 ● D1
  D4   D4     D2    D2
 D3 D1  ST H2
    ※  ●    ※
 D4 D2  MT  H1
 DPS:11秒で切りに行く T/H:6秒で切りに行く
English translation
―――《Act 1》―――――《Act 2 (Idyll)》――――
         【T】Dark:NW → N or W → cw
 D3    D4   Fire:mid → N or W → ccw
  MT  ST  【H】Dark:SE → S or E → cw
    ▲      Fire:mid → S or E → cw
  D1  D2  【D】Aero:mid → N or W → cw
 H1    H2    Fire:mid → S or E →
―《Act 3 (Inumaru)》――――――――――――――
  ST   D3  【MT】Bait kicks
 D1● MT H1 【STD1D2】Earthshakers
  D2     H2 【H1H2D3D4】Towers
      D4  ※ Flip E/W if baiting kick East
―《Act 4》―――――――――――――――――――
①【Water】Opposite thorn + 1 clockwise
 【Dark】Own thorn + 1 clockwise
② Gather SW, go clockwise to resolve Dark AoEs
  Dark tethered to N or NE cuts first
 D3 D1  ST H2
    ※  ●    ※
 D4 D2  MT  H1
―《Curtain Call》――――――――――――――――
 Move to cut at:  DPS→11 sec T/H→6 sec
 (Starting times:13/23/33/43)


  • 1234 are for towers
  • ABCD are for resolving fire stacks in Act 2 (they won’t line up with the thorns).

The markers also indicate the tether order for Act 4. Of note, 1234 overlap the white triangles on the floor.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
  "Name":"P4S P2",

Act 2

Elemental uses the Idyllshire Act 2 strat.

To begin, the boss will telegraph two sets of tethers. Each set triggers two opposite towers, and two opposite AoEs.

Pay attention to which pair of towers get triggered first- that determines where the party moves.

N/S towers first E/W towers first

1. Break AoEs, break Dark tether

  • Dark (no orb) Tank: Always NW.
  • Dark Healer: Always SE.
  • Fire DPS: Identify your Fire partner and priority for later.
  • Everybody except Dark Tank/Healer: Stack middle.

2. After baiting AoEs, everyone moves into position for the first set of mechanics.

  • Dark Tank/Healer always get towers.
  • Fire Tank + Healer break their tether.

3. First set of towers and fire stacks resolve.

4. Everyone moves in for healing, then moves to prepare for the second set of mechanics:

  • Healers: Rotate clockwise
  • Dark Tank: Rotate clockwise to the next tower.
  • Fire Tank: Rotate anti-clockwise to the next stack.
  • Fire DPS: Break your tether.

Everyone rotates clockwise except the Fire Tank and the Fire DPS in the following priority:

cw: D1 > D2 > D3 > D4 :ccw

5. Second set of towers and fire stacks resolve.

Act 3

Note that English and Japanese groups will do different Act 3 strats.

  • English groups will use Xeno’s Act 3.
    • Tanks/Melee and Healers/Ranged alternate taking towers + Earthshakers.
  • Japanese groups will use Inumaru’s Act 3.
    • Tanks/Melee take all Earthshakers. Healers/Ranged take all towers.


(Credit: u/Syldris)

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